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Biblical Justice Fuels Flourishing
This is the second episode in this special series. The word JUSTICE has become a lightening rod of dissension in recent years, commandeered by people with personal agendas that create politcal and social confusion, even opening the door for anarchy and mayhem. The Church has sat back and remained silent, responding by being absent at the table of propelling God's KINGDOM agenda of being agents of Heaven's Justice. It is time to advance the flourishing of God that results in personal transformation and the flourishing of not only ourselves, but the communities in which we live! Let the Justice of Heaven roll like a flood!
DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)
The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?
The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!
Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2
"Other Things with... " YouTube Channel
Cut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast:
I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes:
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Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)
ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard
Bible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian
Standard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.
At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®
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498. Burning Hearts, Shining Lights: Flourishing in God's Pupose
21:25||Season 23, Ep. 498A heart that burns produces a life that shines! The brightness of a believer's life flows directly from the internal firs of God's truth. Are you shining as a beacon hope, love, and truth in a dark world? This podcast will inspire you to flourish in God's purpose for every human being who wants it! (Correction: I said Paul was chained in a dungeon. The passage I was referring to says jail. It was not a dungeon. But, you know it was nasty! Only in modern times do prisoners live in clean, safe environments like the jails in the US! The prisoners in Paul's days would have had to use a chamber pot as a toilet. Its possible even that would have been limited, depending on the malice attitudes of the jailers! In Venezuela the people told me that the maximum prison sentence was 25 years for a man, and 26 years for a woman. The catch was , they said a person would not live 25 years in a Venezuelan prison- they were that bad!))DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3) The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link) LIFE home page Transform This City Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe! ChatGPT and/or Gemini may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.497. Flourishing Through Community: A Biblical Perspective
10:50||Season 23, Ep. 497As a kid growing up in the hippie 60s, I remember the big push for hippies to move to communes. They were wanting to reconnect with community that was being torn apart by the racial tension and Viet Nam war protests that littered the landscape. Being in Washington D.C. put me in the cross hairs of the movement. Their search for support and meaning didn't quite workout because their communes were built on the constructs of "men" like drugs, "free love", sex, and rock and roll. Yet, the Bible makes it clear the utopia they sought is really possible through BIBLICAL community. It is the seeds of eternity planted in the soil of this fallen world...a little foretaste of glory divine.tinyu You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3) The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’s Holy Spirit!"Other Things with... " YouTube Channel(Ctrl+click to follow the link) LIFE home page Transform This City Transform This City Facebook Email me Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe! ChatGPT may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.496. Flourishing Through Ministry Pt.4
10:01||Season 23, Ep. 496Wow! In the beginning, I envisioned this series to be four part to prepare our hearts for a great year of flourishing. As I began to focus in on this subject, God began to speak so much more to my spirit. My burden for the state of the world in relationship to Christ's Church came into focus as I went further into the message. My prayer is that this message will spread across the globe. The total message of hope and flourishing in Christ against the present wayward, aimless earthly church takes on a prophetic tone, not of my creation. God desires to share His glory across the globe. He is waiting for us to come into alignment with His calling and mission so the world knows the salt and light of the vibrant, flourishing Body of Christ. DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3) The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link) LIFE home page Transform This City Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe! Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®495. Flourishing Through Ministry Pt.3
09:53||Season 23, Ep. 495This episode deals with sensitive thoughts that must be addressed if the flourishing of God is realized fully in our own lives, the life of the Church of Jesus Christ, and the world at large.DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3) The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link) LIFE home page Transform This City Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe! Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®494. Flourishing Through Ministry Pt.2
11:50||Season 23, Ep. 494Episode 9 in the series! We dive deeper into Ray Stedman's observation that ministry that aligns with the New Covenant is marked by simplicity, freedom, and genuine effectiveness and evaluate the health of modern Christian ministry. DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3) The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link) LIFE home page Transform This City Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe! Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®493. Flourishing Through Ministry Pt.1
11:19||Season 23, Ep. 493Correction- this Episode 8 in the series, not episode 6! The last four episodes of the eleven part series are focused on flourishing through ministry. We are talking about individual, personal ministry that is expected by the Lord for all Christians. For our communities to see the full glory of God that is possible in a culture, it must be ushered in by the body of Christ, and not just through political change. Th e ministry of individual Christians is always in the context of the greater whole of the ministry to the world by Christ's body, The Church. In following episodes we are going to look at serious subjects regarding the present state of the Church and the changes that must take place if magnificent flourishing is to occur.DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3) The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link) LIFE home page Transform This City Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe! Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®492. Daily Conversion- The Necessity for Flourishing!
07:11||Season 23, Ep. 492The Bible clearly teaches that once saved always saved. Eternal life is just that- life that lasts forever. So, once a person accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, He gives them the gift of HIS LIFE, which is ETERNAL. But, against that against that truth that the Bible also teaches that flourishing in God's presence takes a daily surrender. Oswald Chambers calls that daily surrender "daily conversion." What a great truth and phrase to remember as you desire to flourish in 2025!DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3) The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link) LIFE home page Transform This City Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe! Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®491. Flourishing Through Prayer
08:38||Season 23, Ep. 491This is episode 6 in the series! There are many podcast episodes on prayer in the catalog. Check out the rest of the episodes to do a deep dive into this fundamental element of your soul's nourishment, life, and health. It is necessary to included this paramount spiritual discipline here in this series. This episode is a great reminder of the necessity of personal prayer if you expect to flourish with God! The spark for this episode is an EEN, from January 2 morning devotion by Spurgeon.DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3) The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link) LIFE home page Transform This City Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe! Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®490. Flourishing Through Music
14:48||Season 23, Ep. 490This is one of the most personal podcasts I've produced to date. You will be highly encouraged and lifted up as you are inspired to allow the God given gift of MUSIC to contribute to your soul's flourishing in 2025. One thing about this podcast is certain- God created you to FLOURISH, As we pay attention to the wonder and majesty of God's glory seen and experienced through music, you can't help but live a ROBUST, MAXIMUM, DIVINE LIFE in Jesus Christ! May you know His flourishing in 2025!DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3) The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link) LIFE home page Transform This City Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe! Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®