
cover art for Flourishing Through Mercy - God, the World, & Other Things!

Flourishing Through Mercy

Season 23, Ep. 488

This is Episode 3 of our series, “2025: Prayer for a Year of Flourishing.” In this episode we turn our attention to the second pillar of flourishing: mercy. Mercy is a thread woven deeply into God’s heart and mission, and it’s critical for individual and cultural transformation. We’ll also learn from the life of Corrie ten Boom, a woman who not only experienced God’s mercy in the darkest circumstances but shared it with the world.

DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)  

The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?

The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!

Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2

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Cut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: 

I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: 

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Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)

ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard

Bible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian

Standard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.

At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®

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  • 487. Biblical Justice Fuels Flourishing

    09:06||Season 23, Ep. 487
    This is the second episode in this special series. The word JUSTICE has become a lightening rod of dissension in recent years, commandeered by people with personal agendas that create politcal and social confusion, even opening the door for anarchy and mayhem. The Church has sat back and remained silent, responding by being absent at the table of propelling God's KINGDOM agenda of being agents of Heaven's Justice. It is time to advance the flourishing of God that results in personal transformation and the flourishing of not only ourselves, but the communities in which we live! Let the Justice of Heaven roll like a flood!DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)  The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link)  LIFE home page  Transform This City  Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!  Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®
  • 486. 2025: Prayer for a Year of Flourishing!

    10:00||Season 23, Ep. 486
    This is a multi-part series on flourishing. In this first episode we look closely at the picture of flourishing the Bible paints. You may be surprised at some of the things that flourishing is and find some of the things missing that the world says is flourishing. One thing is for sure, God intends for His children to flourish and live robust lives of zest, gusto, and vitality! (Yep, some of my favorite life words showing up again! I never set out to have life words...but these words are key for me in my personal life!)DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)  The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link)  LIFE home page  Transform This City  Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!  ChatGPT and other AI tools may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®
  • 485. The Christmas Eve Santa Rode My English Race Bicycle!

    28:48||Season 23, Ep. 485
    The first episode of "" air on August 28, 2019. This Christmas episode, "The Christmas Eve Santa Rode My English Racer Bicycle," was #11 and aired on December 24th, 2019. It is the most listened to podcast episode! It is amazing how relevant this episode IS with the comments from Christmas 2023... Friend, God is working in the midst of all this! I hope you sense the presence of God as you listen to this and every episode. I pray that you have a renewed sense of awe and wonder at what JESUS has done for us! I hope you will take time to listen and share this special episode. On the Thursday podcast on December 26, 2024 I will launch a special series - "2025: Prayer for a Year of Flourishing." I hope you will listen to every episode and take these important words to HEART and experience the FLOURISHING of Jesus Christ in 2025!DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)  The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link)  LIFE home page  Transform This City  Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!  Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.
  • 484. Christmas says-WORSHIP!

    05:50||Season 23, Ep. 484
    The story of the Magi in Matthew 2:1-12 teaches us that the right response to Jesus is WORSHIP and their journey reveals much about what true worship looks like! Though we hear this story a thousand times it never gets old, because its historical and message is eternal and will live forever more.DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)  The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link)  LIFE home page  Transform This City  Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!  
  • 483. Christmas Says...JOY!"

    05:56||Season 23, Ep. 483
    This is part 2 in a special 3 part miniseries "Christmas says..." If you have't listened to episode 482, part one, it would be helpful for context for you to listen to episode it to have a better understanding of what provoked this series. The story of Christmas started two thousand years ago, but it stills speaks loud and clear to us today!DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)  The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link)  LIFE home page  Transform This City  Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!  
  • 482. Christmas Says...Grace!"

    07:11||Season 23, Ep. 482
    Its hard to beiieve that at the time of this podcast broadcast, there is just a couple more weeks until Christmas day. Because this special established day celebrates the greatest event in human history, and opened the door to eternal salvation for those who will receive, it NEVER gets old to reflect on this timeless story in a fresh new way! Its hard to believe its been FORTY YEARS since the iconic song "Do They Know Its Christmas" was released. It motivated me to reflect on that question, and what is the real answer that the world needs to hear. That is how I landed on the miniseries, "Christmas Says..." The God of the universe is still heralding the Christmas message through people like you and me! There is still a humanitarian crisis in the world. It has spread across the continents. The killing is incessant because THEY DON"T KNOW ITS CHRISTMAS. We must leave our comfort zones, and take the message of Christmas to a lost world in 2025. God can bring a year of JUBILEE if we will pray and speak the good news of the Savior of Christmas on an ever increasing basis, with great LOVE snd BOLDNESS! May 2025 be a year of great revival for the CHURCH and EVANGELISM and SALVATION for the lost.DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)  The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link)  LIFE home page  Transform This City  Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!  
  • 481. The Lord is Able!

    06:42||Season 23, Ep. 481
    Its really hard to believe that Christmas day is fast approaching! Here is a word of encouragement that invites you to be a part of the peace train that rolled into town the night Christ was born!DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)  The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link)  LIFE home page  Transform This City  Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!  
  • 480. A Christmas Wish & A New Year Prayer

    06:27||Season 23, Ep. 480
    We have been drinking from the firehose of outlandish overt manifestations of evil in ways unseen and unheard of in the history of our great nation. It appears that there is coming a reprieve from the outrageous onslaught of everything foul and offensive to the Christian world view. But, make no mistake, Satan does not rest nor grow weary from all we can tell in Scripture. Mankind seems bent on destruction total and complete. But, we can SUPER REJOICE this Christmas season, because our Lord and Victorious Savior is not a passive observer, but the mighty enemy of evil! With full determination He works to destroy all that seeks to harm, deceive and corrupt. This is the story of Christmas! Is it any wonder that the WORLD hates Jesus so much? His birth in that animal manger RUINED evil's party that began that day Adam fell into sin...thanks be to God for the gift of Jesus!DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)  The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2"Other Things with... " YouTube ChannelCut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “” podcast: I invite you to check out the podcast, “ God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: (Ctrl+click to follow the link)  LIFE home page  Transform This City  Transform This City Facebook Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!  Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian StandardBible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. ChristianStandard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.